

We are the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, located at 36 Cool St. in Waterville, Maine.

We are a member congregation of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. We believe, teach and confess that Jesus is the Son of God who has purchased and won forgiveness of sins, life and salvation by His precious blood shed for all mankind on the cross. God the Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ into the world for precisely this purpose. The Holy Spirit enlightens us by the hearing of the Word as recorded in the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Scriptures and brings us to faith through the hearing of the Word. We believe that salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ and by faith alone – not by works. We grow in faith through the hearing of the Word and the reception of the Word in the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

Please feel free to browse the Sermons which are available here in audio or in video on our YouTube channel.

Check out our most recent Newsletter here: Newsletters

Please feel free to contact us. And if you’re ever in the area, by all means come and visit.

Sunday Morning Schedule

    8:45am – Bible Class
    10:00am – Divine Service
    11:30am – Fellowship

Pastor Akers

In Christ,
Pastor Akers

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6 Responses to Welcome!

  1. JoAnn Rolfsmeier says:

    Thank you Rev. Nielsen for your audio sermons. I live in Rapid City SD and since the churches have closed down due to the coronavirus I have searched the internet for sermons to listen to. Please continue God’s work. God bless.

  2. Jo-Marie Toepper says:

    Pastor Nielson,

    Thank you for these opportunities to cross state lines and enjoy these sermons and the most recent bible study on the fruit of the spirit. As I think of God’s voice guiding me and comforting me, it is so clear, you are God’s called servant providing a loving and engaging example, calm, consistent and called for such a time as this. In my quiet time, I read and study with less distractions and less business of the day. When I think of that nurturing and human voice, representative of God’s gracious love, I thank him for you! If I talk to you in person or by electronic means, your voice comforts me and I can hear a Jesus and understand the wealth of understanding I seek. Thank you for being that loving conduit and reminder of how God loves us through your gentleness and kindness and guiding verbal comfort as you point me to our Lord, our savior, and towards a deeper connection in such a masterful wording of God’s word as well as the delivery of love through a sermon, bible study or just a simple conversation across state lines. The empty church is indeed a hard reality, a constant reminder for all of us in what we are missing. However, even though you are seeing empty pews in a way you never imagined, I want you to know, I (we) are sitting right there along side the many we have previously in our community of faith. It is in the consistency of the message you are faithful to present, to a seemingly empty pew, and with a beautiful reminder of a shepherds voice, that you are reaching across, in and with your congregation and I suspect a few more grateful guests. We love you, we are hear listening and pursuing God’s Will and God’s Grace in such a time as this! Thank you for your faithfulness and your loving reminder of God’s compassion through the airwaves, you are calling your congregation, they hear you, and I thank you for your faithfulness. God’s blessings. Jo-Marie

  3. Tina Bowen says:

    Thank you so much for these audio sermons. Your pastors inspire me, make me think and be joyful on a daily basis. Bless you!

  4. Adam says:

    Hello. I’d like to learn more about Lutheranism. How do I join your church?

  5. Janet Dublis says:

    Dear Pastor Akers, I have been following your sermons. They always are a Blessing. I do wish we had a LCMS near us. I attend St. Andrew Lutheran Church In Ellsworth Maine. During Covid I used my computer for church services. Daily chapel in Indiana was one I followed. I was able to watch the call service that year, and you were called to serve here in Maine. Many of your services brought me closer to God, like service s during lent and Holy Week. You certainly are an inspiration. Thank You making it easy with Facebook. I know you do services in Bangor but that’s a bit far for me. Would love to attend. I keep You and the church in my prayers. God Bless. Thank You!✝️Ja

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