Category Archives: Audio Sermons

Pentecost – “The Work of the Holy Spirit” – Acts 2:2-21 – 6/9/19

sermon-6-9-19 The Festival of Pentecost was originally one of the two ‘harvest festivals’ established by Moses to serve as a benchmark for the people of God to give thanks for His provision and care for their physical bodies with food. … Continue reading

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Easter 6 – “Praying to the Father” – John 16:23-33 – 5/26/19

sermon-5-26-19 “Christ is risen!” “He is risen indeed. Alleluia!” We dare not forget that Easter has happened. We dare not forget that the victory has been won. Easter is not a 50 day season and then it’s over. Easter is … Continue reading

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Easter 5 – “A Little While” – John 16:16-22 – 5/19/19

sermon-5-19-19 The text we want to carefully consider today is our Gospel reading from St. John’s 16th chapter. The setting is the Upper Room in Jerusalem where the Lord is gathered with His apostles for the annual Passover Meal. This … Continue reading

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Easter 3 – “Tying Up Loose Ends” – John 21:1-19 – 5/5/19

sermon-5-5-19 John’s gospel is a bit like some of those movies based on actual history where, after the movie is over and the credits are rolling, the story continues. Actual photos of the people and the places that were portrayed … Continue reading

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Easter 2 – Easter Perfected in You – John 20:19-29 – 4/28/19

sermon-4-28-19 The sanctuary that was full on Easter Sunday is not as full today. I wonder why? I know families who never go to church but who had family over last Sunday for Easter dinner. I wonder why? Then again, … Continue reading

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Easter – “By His Wounds We Are Healed” – Isaiah 53:4-5 – 4/21/19

sermon-4-21-19 The text for our consideration on the Easter Sunday is from the prophet Isaiah, the 53rd chapter, verses 4-5, which reads, “Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God … Continue reading

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Maundy Thursday – “A Table In the Presence of Enemies” – Psalm 23:5-6

sermon-4-18-19 “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” The care that this shepherd exercises for His dear sheep is unsurpassed. “He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters; he restores my soul. … Continue reading

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Palm Sunday – 4/14/19 – “Palm Sunday and Passion Sunday” – Luke 19:28-30

sermon-4-14-19 It was a busy time for Jerusalem as the annual Passover feast was about to begin. Thousands of devout Jews from all over the world would travel to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover there. In fact, many had already … Continue reading

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Mid-Week Lent – Psalm 23:4b,c

sermon-4-10-19 “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me, your rod and your staff they comfort me.” “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want…” … Continue reading

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Lent 5 – “A Question of Ownership” – Luke 20:9-20 – 4/7/19

sermon-4-7-19 On Palm Sunday, Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey and went straight to the Temple to clean house. “MY HOUSE” is what He calls it. “MY HOUSE shall be a house of prayer but you have made it a … Continue reading

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