Category Archives: Audio Sermons

Mid-Week Lent 2 – Psalm 32 – 3/15/17

sermon-3-15-17 The 32nd Psalm is attributed to David. The background to this Psalm is not given, but many believe that it was written by David as he reflected on his adulterous affair with Bathsheeba and his murder of her husband, … Continue reading

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Lent 2 – “Nicodemus Is Born Again” – John 3:1-15 – 3/12/17

sermon-3-12-17 The setting for our gospel reading is the Passover Feast in Jerusalem. The verses just previous to what we heard were these: 23 Now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, many believed in his name when … Continue reading

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Lent 1 – “The Temptation of Jesus” – Matthew 4:1-11 – 3/5/17

sermon-3-5-17 The text for our consideration this morning is the gospel reading that we just heard and we’ll recite it again as we go. “Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the … Continue reading

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Ash Wednesday – “The 7 Penitential Psalms” – Psalm 51 – 3/1/17

sermon-3-1-17 Of the seven penitential psalms, Psalm 51 is probably the one we are most familiar with. I’m sure as we spoke it together there were several verses that you recognized because they are used in some of the orders … Continue reading

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Transfiguration – “The Jesus We Need” – Matthew 17:1-9

Sermon by guest pastor – Rev. Charles St.-Onge, pastor of Ascension Lutheran Church, Montreal, Quebec and LC-MS Mission Facilitator to the Caribbean. sermon-2-26-17

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Epiphany 7 – “You Shall Be Perfect” – Matthew 5:38-48 – 2/19/17

sermon-2-19-17 As you know it is our custom here to have the candidates for the Rite of Confirmation write and read an essay on the Christian faith to the congregation. Many years ago, I can still remember one candidate who, … Continue reading

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Epiphany 2 – “Behold The Lamb Of God” – John 1:29-42 – 1/15/17

sermon-1-15-17 The long, boney forefinger of John the Baptist points to the one whom he had just baptized saying, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” I can still remember one of my favorite … Continue reading

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Epiphany 1 – The Voice of the Lord – Psalm 29

sermon-1-8-17 I’d like to begin this morning by asking you to take out your worship bulletin and turn to page 8. The Psalm appointed for today – ‘The Baptism of our Lord,’ is the 29th Psalm and I’d like to … Continue reading

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Circumcision and Name of Jesus – Luke 2:21- 1/1/17

sermon-1-1-17 Sometimes we Christians can make religion a lot more complicated than it really is. Religion is a simple thing really. God has given us laws to obey and rules to follow and if you obey them and follow them … Continue reading

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Christmas Morning – John 1:1-18 – “The Cosmic Christmas” – 12/25/16

sermon-12-25a-16 The Christmas story that we are most familiar with is the one that we heard last night about a woman named Mary and a man named Joseph and shepherds keeping watch over their flocks by night and the sudden … Continue reading

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