Category Archives: Audio Sermons

Pentecost 7 – “As Sheep Among Wolves” – Luke 10:1-20 – 7/3/16

sermon-7-3-16 Last Sunday we began the journey to Jerusalem behind our Lord, Jesus Christ. “And when the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set His face to go to Jerusalem.” It is the journey of Isaac, … Continue reading

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Pentecost 6 – “Dealing With Rejection” – Luke 9:51-62 – 6/26/16

sermon-6-26-16 “When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem.” This is the great turning point in Luke’s gospel. Luke has organized his gospel of Jesus Christ geographically. Everything up … Continue reading

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Pentecost 5 – “What Have You To Do With Me?” – Luke 8:26-39 – 6/19/16

sermon-6-19-16 I think that you probably feel the same way that I do, the world is going crazy. It’s insane. And I know that every generation since Noah has said the same thing – ‘how much worse can it get?’ … Continue reading

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Pentecost 4 – “Forgiven Much to Love Much” – Luke 7:36-50 – 6/12/16

sermon-6-12-16 It was common practice for the Pharisees of a local synagogue to invite the visiting Rabbi to dinner the night before worship. A good chance for them to get a preview of what Scriptures the Rabbi would be preaching … Continue reading

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Pentecost 3 – “A Sermon on Abortion” – Matthew 5:21-22- 6/5/16

sermon-6-5-16 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord, Jesus Christ. How to begin a sermon on “Abortion”? A ‘sermon’ on ‘abortion’ is neither a political speech on the laws of the land and how they … Continue reading

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Trinity Sunday – “Do You Believe In God?” – 5/22/16

sermon-5-22-16 If I were to ask you this morning if you believe in God, I’m sure that you would all say, ‘yes.’ If there are any atheists in the congregation this morning, I apologize for lumping you in with the … Continue reading

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Pentecost – “The Particular Work of the Holy Spirit” – Acts 2:1-21 – 5/15/16

sermon-5-15-16 Of all of the great holidays on the church’s calendar, the Day of Pentecost may well be the most mysterious of them all: On Christmas, we celebrate the birth of a baby. We know all about that. Happens all … Continue reading

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Easter 7 – ” Jesus Prays For The Church” – John 17:20-26 – 5/8/16

sermon-5-8-16 The setting for our gospel reading this morning is, once again, the Upper Room. Just to give you an idea of the significance of what takes place in the Upper Room, we note that John devotes 5 full chapters … Continue reading

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St. Philip and St. James – Apostles – “Show Us The Father” – John 14:8-14 – 5/1/16

sermon-5-1-16 Today, we ‘honor’ two of the apostles of Jesus Christ. Well, maybe ‘honor’ isn’t quite the right word. You ‘honor’ someone for something ‘honorable’ that they have done, like we ‘honor’ those who have served in the military or … Continue reading

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Easter 5 – “Enduring Our ‘Little Whiles'” – John 16:16-22

sermon-4-24-16 The scene is the Upper Room on the night when He would be betrayed. The timer that God set before the creation of the world was ticking down to its final hours. It was time for the Son of … Continue reading

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