Category Archives: Audio Sermons

Sermon – Pentecost 18 – “The Merciful Rich Man” – Luke 16:1-9

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-9-22-13.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” The text for this morning’s sermon is the parable of the dishonest manager as we … Continue reading

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Sermon – Pentecost 17 – “The Worthy Shepherd” – Luke 15:1-10 – 9/15/13

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-9-15-13.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” The parable is often called the Parable of the Lost Sheep. But that really puts … Continue reading

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Sermon – Pentecost 16 – “Blessed Is The Man” – Psalm 1 – 9/8/13

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-9-8-13.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” It’s not very often that we use the appointed Psalm for Sunday as the basis … Continue reading

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Sermon – Pentecost 15 – “Whoever Humbles Himself Will Be Exalted” – Luke 14:1-14 – 9/1/13

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-9-1-13.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” Our gospel for this morning brings us into the house of a man who was … Continue reading

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Sermon – Pentecost 14 – “How Many Will Be Saved?” – Luke 13:22-30 – 8/25/13

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-8-25-13.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” The text for the sermon is the gospel reading that we just heard. It’s the … Continue reading

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Sermon – Pentecost 10 – Lord’s Prayer – “7th Petition – Deliver Us From Evil” – 7/28/13

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-7-28-13.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” It is a happy coincidence that as we come to the conclusion of our summer … Continue reading

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Sermon – 8th Pentecost – “Lord’s Prayer – 6th Petition – Lead Us Not Into Temptation” – 7/14/13

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-7-14-13.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” “Jesus said, ‘Pray like this, Our Father in heaven… lead us not into temptation.” I. … Continue reading

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Sermon – 7th Pentecost – The Lord’s Prayer – 5th Petition – “Forgive Us Our Trespasses As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us” – 7/7/13

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-7-7-13.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” Jesus said, “Pray like this, ‘Our Father in heaven, forgive us our trespasses as we … Continue reading

Posted in Audio Sermons, Sermons - Lutheran - LCMS | Comments Off on Sermon – 7th Pentecost – The Lord’s Prayer – 5th Petition – “Forgive Us Our Trespasses As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us” – 7/7/13

Sermon – 6th Pentecost – The Lord’s Prayer – 4th Petition – Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread – 6/30/13

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-6-30-13.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” Jesus said, “Pray then like this, ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your … Continue reading

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Sermon – Pentecost 4 – “The Lord’s Prayer: 3rd Petition: Thy Will Be Done On Earth As In Heaven” – 6/16/13

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-6-16-13.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” You would think, wouldn’t you, that the almighty God, • who “laid the foundations of … Continue reading

Posted in Audio Sermons, Sermons - Lutheran - LCMS | Comments Off on Sermon – Pentecost 4 – “The Lord’s Prayer: 3rd Petition: Thy Will Be Done On Earth As In Heaven” – 6/16/13