Category Archives: Audio Sermons

Sermon – Pentecost 10 – “The 7th Commandment” – Exodus 20:15 – 8/5/12

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-8-5-12.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” As we make our way through this series on the 10 Commandments this summer, I … Continue reading

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Sermon – Pentecost 8 – “The 6th Commandment” – Exodus 20:14 – 7/22/12

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-7-22-12.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” Our summer sermon series on the 10 Commandments brings us this morning to the 6th … Continue reading

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Sermon – Pentecost 7 – 5th Commandment – Exodus 20:13 – 7/15/12

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-7-15-12.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” So far in our exploration of the 10 Commandments, we have examined the first three … Continue reading

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Sermon – Pentecost 5 – “The 4th Commandment” – Exodus 20:12

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-7-1-12.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” St. Matthew tells us that during one of Jesus’ visits to Jerusalem, one of the … Continue reading

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Sermon – Pentecost 4 – “The 3rd Commandment” – Exodus 20:8-11 – 6/24/12

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-6-24-12.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” I’d like to begin this morning’s look into the 3rd Commandment the same way that … Continue reading

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Sermon – 2nd Commandment – Exodus 20:7 – 6/17/12

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-6-17-12.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” I’d like to begin this morning by asking you to take out your bible and … Continue reading

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Sermon – “The 1st Commandment” – Exodus 20:1-6 – 6/10/12

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-6-10-12.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” Introduction to Summer Series: In the Preface to his Large Catechism, Luther writes that there … Continue reading

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Sermon – Trinity – ‘The Boundary Lines of the Catholic Faith’ – Athanasian Creed – 6/3/12

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-6-3-12.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” On Trinity Sunday, we recite the Athanasian Creed and say things like, ‘the catholic faith … Continue reading

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Sermon – Pentecost – What A Harvest! – Acts 2:1-21

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon.[audio:sermon-5-27-12.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” When the day of Pentecost arrived. It may surprise you to learn that the day of … Continue reading

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Sermon – Easter 7 – “In The World, Not Of The World” – John 17:11-19

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon.[audio:sermon-5-20-12.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” Today marks the final Sunday in our seven-week celebration of Easter. Every year, the church sets … Continue reading

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