Category Archives: Sermons – Lutheran – LCMS

7/12/20 – Pentecost 6 – “Suffering Well in Christ” – Romans 8:12-17

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 1. When I was in my later teen-age years, I was introduced to the AMC series, The Walking Dead. Maybe you’ve seen it. In case … Continue reading

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7/5/20 – Pentecost 5 – “The Rest We Need” – Zech. 9:9-12 / Matthew 11:25-30

The text for our consideration is the Gospel reading we just heard. But before we get to that we’ve got to hear what came right before this. 20 Then he began to denounce the cities where most of his mighty … Continue reading

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6/28/20 – Pentecost 4 – “The True Prophet” – Jeremiah 28:5-9 & Matthew 10:34-39

1. The time before this global pandemic struck feels like ancient history—doesn’t it? Life was much different four months ago. It was much better, if we’re being honest. We didn’t have to social distance and wear these masks! We could … Continue reading

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6/21/20 – Pentecost 3 – “A Fire In Our Bones” – Jeremiah 20:7-13/Matthew 10:21-33

Last Sunday as we joined up with Jesus, Matthew summarizes what He’s been at work doing since He began to work. “Jesus went throughout all of the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the … Continue reading

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6/14/20 – Pentecost 2 – “Teaching, Proclaiming, Healing” – Matthew 9:35-10:20

When the season of Pentecost begins, you never know where you’re going to join up with Jesus. The whole thing depends on the date for Easter. So some years, we join up with Jesus earlier in His ministry than this … Continue reading

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6/14/20 – Confirmation – “Keep Swimming” – 1 Peter 1:3-9

The text that I’d like to hold up this morning is 1 Peter 1:3-9. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a … Continue reading

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6/7/20 – Trinity Sunday – “The Mystery of the Trinity” – Athanasian Creed

The ‘Church Year Calendar’ is an amazing blessing to the congregation and church body that is diligent in following it. In the midst of a viral pandemic, and economic calamity, and racial riots and demonstrations, and deep concerns and worries … Continue reading

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5/31/20 – Pentecost – “Refreshment for Dry Bones – John 7:37-39a

Thirsty! Bone dry thirsty! The kind of thirsty the psalmist was talking about when he said, “my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth.” (Psalm 22:15). Dry mouth, dry bones, dry skin. Exhausted, weary, worn out. “My strength is … Continue reading

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5/24/20 – Easter 7 – “Holy Eavesdropping” – John 17:11b-19

Eavesdropping A couple of years ago we had new gutters installed on our house because the old gutters weren’t doing the job anymore. They leaked and the water dropped from the eaves right to the ground. Our new gutters have … Continue reading

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Worship at Home – Easter 7 – 5/24/20

Divine Service I (abbreviated/spoken) Page 151 – hymnal Order of Worship worship-5-24-20 Organ Prelude: Prelude in C Samuel Ducommun Confession / Absolution Kyrie Hymn: “O Word of God Incarnate” #523 Collect of the Day Old Testament Reading: Acts 1:12-26 Gradual: … Continue reading

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