Category Archives: Sermons – Lutheran – LCMS

Fruit of the Spirit – Self-Control

Please join me in a 25 minute bible study on “The Fruit of the Spirit” from Galatians 5. Pastor Nielsen THE FRUIT OF SELF-CONTROL fruit10

Posted in Audio Sermons, Sermons - Lutheran - LCMS, Worship at Home | 2 Comments

Fruit of the Spirit – Gentleness

Please join me in a 25 minute bible study on “The Fruit of the Spirit” from Galatians 5. Pastor Nielsen THE FRUIT OF GENTLENESS fruit9

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5/17/20 – Easter 6 – “If You Love Me” – John 14:15-21

The text is the Gospel for reading from John 14:15-21, but especially verse 15, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” Up to this point in the gospels, Jesus has tried to impress on His disciples the fact … Continue reading

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Worship at Home – Easter 6 – 5/17/20

Divine Service I worship-5-17-20 Order of Worship Organ Prelude: Aria Paul Manz Confession / Absolution Kyrie Hymn: Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness – #849 Collect of the Day Old Testament Reading: Acts 17:16-31 Gradual: Psalm 66:8-20 Epistle Reading: … Continue reading

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Fruit of the Spirit – Faithfulness

Please join me in a 25 minute bible study on “The Fruit of the Spirit” from Galatians 5. Pastor Nielsen THE FRUIT OF FAITHFULNESS

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Fruit of the Holy Spirit – Goodness

Please join me in a 25 minute bible study on “The Fruit of the Spirit” from Galatians 5. Pastor Nielsen THE FRUIT OF GOODNESS fruit7

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5/10/20 – Easter 5 – “What Are You Tied To?” – 1 Peter 2:4-10

History books tell us that when the Romans would capture foreign countries, they would sometimes put their captives through a particularly gruesome form of execution. They would take a captive and tie him face to face, hand to hand, leg … Continue reading

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Easter 5 – Worship at Home – 5/10/20

Divine Service I (abbreviated/spoken) Page 151 – hymnal Order of Worship worship-5-10-20 Organ Prelude: Canzona in E Flat Eric Thiman Confession / Absolution Kyrie Hymn: “O God, Forsake Me Not” – #731 Collect of the Day Old Testament Reading: Acts … Continue reading

Posted in Audio Sermons, Sermons - Lutheran - LCMS, Worship at Home | 2 Comments

Fruit of the Spirit – Kindness

Please join me in a 25 minute bible study on “The Fruit of the Spirit” from Galatians 5. Pastor Nielsen THE FRUIT OF KINDNESS fruit6

Posted in Audio Sermons, Sermons - Lutheran - LCMS, Worship at Home | 1 Comment

Fruit of the Spirit – Patience

Please join me in a 25 minute bible study on “The Fruit of the Spirit” from Galatians 5. Pastor Nielsen THE FRUIT OF PATIENCE fruit5

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