Category Archives: Sermons – Lutheran – LCMS

5/3/20 – Easter 4 – “The Lord Is My Shepherd” – John 10:1-11/Psalm 23

Every year on the 4th Sunday of Easter, the focus of the church’s attention and worship is its Lord – which is no different than every other Sunday during the year – and every day for that matter. But on … Continue reading

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Worship At Home – Easter 4 – 5/3/20

Divine Service I (abbreviated/spoken) Page 151 – hymnal Order of Worship worship-5-3-20 Organ Prelude: To Thee Alone, Lord Jesus Christ J. C. Oley Confession / Absolution Kyrie Hymn: “The King of Love, My Shepherd Is” #709 Collect of the Day … Continue reading

Posted in Audio Sermons, Sermons - Lutheran - LCMS, Worship at Home | 2 Comments

Fruit of The Spirit – Peace

Please join me in a 30 minute bible study on “The Fruit of the Spirit” from Galatians 5. Pastor Nielsen THE FRUIT OF PEACE fruit4

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Fruit of the Spirit – Joy

Please join me in a 30 minute bible study on “The Fruit of the Spirit” from Galatians 5. Pastor Nielsen THE FRUIT OF JOY fruit3

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Easter 3 – “They Had Hoped” – Luke 24:13-35

“That very day…” is Easter Sunday. The women had ran into the house where the disciples were huddled behind locked doors and told their incredible story about the tomb being empty and the angels and they SAW JESUS and HE … Continue reading

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Worship at Home – 3rd Easter – 4/26/20

Divine Service I (abbreviated/spoken) Page 151 – hymnal worship-4-26-20 Order of Worship Organ Prelude: Pastorale in G Hermann Schellenberg Confession / Absolution Kyrie Hymn: “Who Are You Who Walk in Darkness” #470 Collect of the Day Old Testament Reading: Acts … Continue reading

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Fruit of the Spirit – LOVE

Please join me in a 30 minute bible study on “The Fruit of the Spirit” from Galatians 5. Pastor Nielsen THE FRUIT OF LOVE fruit2

Posted in Audio Sermons, Sermons - Lutheran - LCMS, Worship at Home | 1 Comment

Fruit of the Spirit – 1

Please join me in a 30-35 minute bible study on “The Fruit of the Spirit” from Galatians 5 Pastor Nielsen fruit1

Posted in Sermons - Lutheran - LCMS | 1 Comment

Easter 2 – “His Presence, Our Peace” – John 20:19-31

It was just one week ago that we, along with a good majority of the world, were all excited about… nothing. The women went to the tomb expecting to find the body of their Lord, and ours. But they found… … Continue reading

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Worship At Home – 2nd Easter – 4/19/2020

Divine Service I Page 151 – hymnal worship-4-19-20 Order of Worship Organ Prelude: Cantilène in E Flat Gabriel Pierné Confession / Absolution Kyrie Hymn: “O Sons and Daughters of the King” #470 st.1,5-8 Collect of the Day Old Testament Reading: … Continue reading

Posted in Audio Sermons, Sermons - Lutheran - LCMS, Worship at Home | 3 Comments