Category Archives: Sermons – Lutheran – LCMS

Worship At Home – Lent 5 – 3/29/20

Divine Service III (abbreviated/spoken) Page 184 – hymnal worship-3-29-20 Order of Worship Organ Prelude: When In The Hour Of Utmost Need J. S. Bach Hymn: (Optionial) “Christ, The Life of All the Living” #420 st.1-4 Confession / Absolution Kyrie Collect … Continue reading

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Mid-Week Lent 4 – Worship At Home – 3/25/20

midweek-3-25-20 SERVICE OF PRAYER AND PREACHING – LSB #260 OPENING VERSICLES: (P.260) READINGS FROM HOLY SCRIPTURE: 1st Reading: John 14:15-31 (pew bible p) Psalm 51:1-12 (pew bible p) 2nd Reading: John 16:1-14 (pew bible p) RESPONSORY: Lent p.263 CATECHISM: p.264 … Continue reading

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Mid Week Lent 2020-4 – 3rd Article – “I Believe in the Holy Spirit”

We come now to the 3rd Article in our Lenten series on the Apostles Creed. “I believe in the Holy Spirit…” A good way to get started might be to simply restate a point we made at the very beginning … Continue reading

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Lent 4 – “The Cure for Blindness” – John 9 – 3/22/20

“As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, ‘Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents that he was born blind?” Effect and Cause There are those who make their living by … Continue reading

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Lent 4 – Worship At Home – 3/22/2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Here is the audio file for the Worship at Home Service. The audio of the organ anthems is faint. We’ll work to improve that for next Sunday. Also, we’ll get it to you earlier … Continue reading

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Mid-Week Lent Worship At Home – 3/18/20

midweek-3-18-20 Worship From Home – From Service of Prayer and Preaching Page 260 – hymnal Open Versicles: Readings from Holy Scripture: John 19:1-42 Psalm 32:1-5 John 20:1-18 Catechism: Small Catechism: 2nd Article (page 322) Sermon: I Believe In Jesus Christ … Continue reading

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Lent 3 – “If You Only Knew” – John 4:4-26 – 3/15/20

Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” “IF SHE HAD ONLY … Continue reading

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Mid-Week Lent 2020-2 – 2nd Article – “I Believe in Jesus”

When Martin Luther set out to develop a curriculum for how to teach the Christian faith to the congregations which called themselves “the evangelicals” long before they called themselves “the Lutherans,” he wrote a ‘Small Catechism’ to provide the basics … Continue reading

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Lent 2 – You Must Be Born Again – John 3:1-17 – 3/8/20

The setting for this morning’s gospel reading takes place in Jerusalem during the annual feast of Passover. The verses just before those we have already heard are these: “Now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, many believed … Continue reading

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Mid Week Lent 2020-1 – 1st Article – “I Believe In God the Father”

I. Introduction “I believe…” Such common, ordinary words. “I believe in myself.” “I believe in you.” “I believe the reports I’ve read.” “I believe the weather forecast.” “I believe…” rolls off our tongue and over our lips in so many … Continue reading

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