Category Archives: Sermons – Lutheran – LCMS

Pentecost 19 – “The Authority of The Bible” – 2 Timothy 3:14-4:4 – 10/20/19

serm-10-19-19 “Jesus love me, this I know…” There’s a note of confidence in a statement like that. “Jesus loves me, THIS I KNOW…” How do you know? Because you’re just so loveable that He just can’t help Himself? Because you … Continue reading

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C – Pentecost 18 – “A Miracle of Restoration” – Luke 17:11-19 – 10/13/19

sermon-10-13-19 The text for our consideration is the gospel lesson just read. There is a dark side to this stop on the journey with our Lord as He makes His way to Jerusalem and the cross. In what would otherwise … Continue reading

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Pentecost 17 – “Uproot The Tree” – Luke 17:1-10

sermon-10-6-19 The text for this sermon is the gospel reading that we just heard. Jesus is speaking to His ‘disciples.’ They are His ‘followers’ who listen to Him in order to learn from Him. Whether they recognize that He is … Continue reading

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St. Michael and All Angels – “Visible and Invisible” – Revelation 12:7-12 – 9/29/19

sermon-9-29-19 You are surrounded by myriads upon myriads who would have you believe that “seeing is believing.” But by faith, you say, “no, we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen.” (2 … Continue reading

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Pentecost 15 – “Commended for Shrewdness” – Luke 16:1-15

sermon-9-22-19 The text for our consideration today is the gospel reading from Luke 16 – “The Parable of the Dishonest Manager.” In this story, Jesus introduces us to a fictitious man who is caught red handed in ‘mismanagement’ of what … Continue reading

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Pentecost 14 – “Jesus, Sinners Doth Receive” – Luke 15:1-10

sermon-9-15-19 The prophet Isaiah and the apostle John both have their visions of God seated on His throne. And in both visions, the angels are hovering over the throne, and in unending worship, they sing the ‘Sanctus,’ “holy, holy, holy … Continue reading

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Pentecost 13 – “Unless You Hate…” – Luke 14:25-35 – 9/8/19

sermon-9-8-19 I must confess to you that on this Sunday when we want to promote and encourage the ‘mission and outreach work’ that we are all called to do as disciples of our Lord, my first reaction when I saw … Continue reading

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Labor Day – “The Spirituality of Our Labor” – Colossians 3:23-24

sermon-9-1-19 It has been a while since we have used the national holiday of “Labor Day” as the occasion to preach on the doctrine of ‘vocation.’ But that is what we intend to do and so the text for our … Continue reading

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Pentecost 11 – “How Many Will Be Saved” – Luke 13:22-30

The text for the sermon is the gospel reading that we just heard. It’s the record of one of the many questions that are posed to Jesus while He is on His journey to Jerusalem. I. Vs. 22-23 “He went … Continue reading

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Pentecost 10 – “True and False Prophets” – Jeremiah 23:16-29 – 8/18/19

sermon-8-18-19 A good sermon from Rev. Fischer with a very healthy dose of Law and Gospel.

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