Category Archives: Sermons – Lutheran – LCMS

St. Mary Magdalene – “The Captive Set Free” – 7/23/17 – John 20:1-18

sermon-7-23-17 Last Sunday we heard our Lord’s parable about the Sower who sowed seed in the hope that it would all take root and grow and produce an abundant harvest. Some did and some didn’t. On this ‘feast day’ of … Continue reading

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Pentecost 5 – “Soul Rest” – Matthew 11:25-30

sermon-7-9-17 Our Pentecost season journey began a month ago at Matthew’s 10th chapter. And after leading us on a methodical, three-week tour of Matthew 10, our lectionary suddenly jumps clear over a big chunk of the 11th chapter and lands … Continue reading

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Pentecost 4 – “A Sword and Real Peace” – Matthew 10:34-42

sermon-7-2-17 “These 12 Jesus sent out, instructing them…” We come now to the third Sunday of our three Sunday tour through the 10th chapter of St. Matthew’s gospel – Jesus’ ‘Missionary Discourse’ where He sends His 12 apostles out into … Continue reading

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Pentecost 3 – “Wise and Innocent” – Matthew 10:21-33

sermon-6-25-17 “These twelve Jesus sent out, instructing them…” (Matthew 10:5) This is now the second Sunday that we’re stopping to smell the roses in the 10th chapter of St. Matthew’s gospel. Next Sunday will make the third and there’s bound … Continue reading

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Pentecost 2 – “Teaching, Proclaiming,” Healing” – Matthew 9:35-36

sermon-6-18-17 Today, we begin a new season of our life together in the Church – the season of Pentecost. Today marks the beginning of the second half of the church year. During the first half of the church year, our … Continue reading

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Trinity Sunday – “The Incomprehensible God” – Athanasian Creed

sermon-6-11-17 The Nature of Creeds A. Creeds and Conflict Creeds and conflict go together. When there is conflict over doctrine, you need a creed to set things straight. Some say God is like this – some and some say God … Continue reading

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Pentecost – Acts 2 – “The Day of Pentecost”

sermon-6-4-17 In our opening hymn, we sang, “Come Holy Spirit, God and Lord. With all Your graces now outpoured on each believer’s mind and heart.” (LSB #497:1) Martin Luther wrote those words to our Opening Hymn this morning for the … Continue reading

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Easter 5 – “Remedy for Troubled Hearts” – John 14:1-14

sermon-5-14-17 The text for the sermon this morning is based on our gospel reading for this 5th Sunday of Easter from John’s 14th chapter beginning with this word from our Lord, “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, … Continue reading

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Easter 4 – “Life Abundantly” – John 10:1-10

sermon-5-7-17 The text for our consideration this morning is the gospel appointed for this 4th Sunday of Easter from St. John’s 10th chapter, where our Lord compares His holy, Christian Church to a flock of sheep, and compares Himself to … Continue reading

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Easter 3 – “We Had Hoped” – Luke 24:13-35

sermon-4-30-17 “That very day two of them were going to a village named Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem.” “That very day…” is Easter Sunday. The women went to visit the tomb in the early morning and returned all out … Continue reading

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