Category Archives: Sermons – Lutheran – LCMS

Advent 1 – “Advent Joy” – Luke 19:28-40 – 11/29/15

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-11-29-15.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” It has always seemed just a bit strange to me that on the 1st Sunday … Continue reading

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Last Sunday – “The Eternal Day” – Mark 13:24-37 – 11/22/15

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-11-22-15.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” We’ve come to the end of another year of the Christian Church on earth. You … Continue reading

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Pentecost 25 – “Blood For Sinners” – Hebrews 10:11-25 – 11/15/15

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:serrmon-11-15-15.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” “And every priest stands daily at his service, offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can … Continue reading

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Pentecost 24 – “The Widow of Zaraphath” – 1 Kings 17:8-16 – 11/8/15

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-11-8-15.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” “Good morning. I would tell you my name, but it seems as though it’s not … Continue reading

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All Saints – “Blessed Are You” – Matthew 5:1-12 / Revelation 7:8-17 – 11/1/15

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-11-1-15.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” Matthew writes, “And great crowds followed him from Galilee and the Decapolis, and from Jerusalem … Continue reading

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Reformation – “Righteousness Through Faith” – Romans 3:21-28 – 10/25/15

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-10-25-15.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified … Continue reading

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St. Luke – Evangelist – “Peace Be To This House” – Luke 10:1-9 – 10/18/15

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-10-18-15.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” Today, the church gives thanks to the Lord for giving us Luke. So, if I … Continue reading

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Pentecost 20 – “What Must I Do To Inherit Eternal Life?” – Mark 10:17-22

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-10-11-15.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” A man came to Jesus with a question that had been ‘nagging’ at him for … Continue reading

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Pentecost 19 – “Te Deum laudamus” – 10/4/15

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-10-4-15.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” For many of you, this morning marks your initial introduction to ‘The Te Deum.’ A … Continue reading

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Pentecost 18 – “It Would Be Better For You…” – Mark 9:42-48 – 9/27/15

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-9-27-15.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” 42 “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it … Continue reading

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