Category Archives: Sermons – Lutheran – LCMS

Sermon – Trinity Sunday – “The Lord’s Prayer – Introduction” – 5/29/13

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-5-29-13.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” The text for our attention this morning and throughout much of this summer is Matthew … Continue reading

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Sermon – Easter 7 – “Fight The Good Fight Of Faith” – 1 Timothy 6:12 – 5/12/13

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-5-12-13.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” Confirmation of Daniel Morren 1 Timothy 6:12 The text for this morning’s sermon is 1 … Continue reading

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Sermon – Ascension – “By A Road Before Untrod” – Luke 24:50-52 5/9/13

“A hymn of glory let us sing! New hymns throughout the world shall ring. Christ, by a road before untrod, ascends unto the throne of God. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.” (LSB #493:1) Old man Moses led the people of Israel down … Continue reading

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The Ascension of Our Lord – Worship Service

Worship on Thursday evening: May 9, 6:00pm. THE ASCENSION OF OUR LORD After He rose from the dead, the Lord Jesus presented Himself alive to the Apostles, “appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God” … Continue reading

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Sermon – Easter 6 – “Ask That Your Joy May Be Full” – John 16:23-33 – 5/5/13

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-5-5-13.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” We call this Sunday, ‘the 6th Sunday of Easter.’ But that is a relatively modern … Continue reading

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Sermon – Easter 5 – “A Little While” – John 16:16-22 – 4/28/13

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-4-28-13.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” “A little while, and you will see me no longer; and again in a little … Continue reading

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Sermon – Easter 4 – “The Lord Is My Shepherd” – Psalm 23

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-4-21-13.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” Of the 150 Psalms in the Psalter, it is number 23 that the vast majority … Continue reading

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Sermon – Easter 3 – “Worth It?” – John 21:1-14 – 4/14/13

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-4-14-13.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” I. “The Call to Discipleship – Sea of Galilee It all began while they were … Continue reading

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Sermon – Easter 2 – “Speaking All The Words Of This Life” – Acts 5:12-32 – 4/7/13

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-4-7-13.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” I. A Disappointing Easter Celebration I don’t know about you, but the way that the … Continue reading

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Sermon – Easter – “The Feint Retreat” – 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 – 3/31/13

Click play to listen to the audio version of this sermon. [audio:sermon-3-31-13.mp3] To download the mp3 file, right click the image below and “save as.” In the 14th chapter of his gospel, St. Luke tell us that Jesus turned to … Continue reading

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