Sermon – Epiphany 4 – “Blessed Are You” – Matthew 5:1-12 – 1/30/11

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Mountain climbing can be a wonderful and exhilarating experience if you like that sort of thing. Here in New England, we have some great mountains to climb. Lets see a show of hands, how many of you have climbed to the summit of Mt. Katahdin? How many to the summit of Mt. Washington? Personally, I’ve never seen a mountain I didn’t want to climb.

In our gospel reading this morning, St. Matthew tells us that Jesus “went up on the mountain.” And we are followers of Jesus. So whether you’re a mountain climber or not, this morning we’re all going “up on the mountain” with Jesus. And we’re going to stay there for four more Sunday’s as we sit at Jesus’ feet listen to the “Sermon on the Mountain.”

The Sermon on the Mount is all about the life of discipleship. It’s about the life of those who follow Jesus.

Next week, we’ll hear how Jesus compares discipleship to salt and light. In two weeks, we’ll hear Jesus tell us how disciples handle anger, lust and divorce. In three weeks, we’ll hear Jesus talk to us about how His disciples deal with enemies when the attack. And then, four Sunday’s from now, we’ll hear Jesus tell us about how disciples deal with the stress and anxiety that comes when the economy slows down and during tough economic times.

So, I’m glad that you’re here this morning, because this morning, we hear this marvelous introduction to the Sermon on the Mount. In these 12 verses, Jesus lays the groundwork for all that follows and what He spells out in more detail in the rest of the Sermon. Continue reading

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Sermon – Epiphany 3 – “The Great Light” – Isaiah 9:1-4 – 1/23/11

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Over the Christmas holidays a high school friend of Sarah’s stopped by the house. I asked her what she was doing these days and where she was living. She said she was living and working in Fairbanks, Alaska. I asked her what it was like living there. She said that it’s great once you get used to the long periods of darkness and light. I looked it up on the Internet. During the month of January, the average number of hours of daylight per day is 4. In July, they average 21:45 hours of daylight per day. Up north in Barrow, Alaska, the average hours of daylight per day during the months of December and January is 0.00. And in June, July and August, the average hours of daylight per day is 24.0.

I asked her what that was like, especially the darkness. She said, ‘once you get used to it, it’s okay. After awhile it just becomes normal.

The thought struck me. Continue reading

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Sermon – Epiphany 2 – “Behold The Lamb Of God” – John 1:29 – 1/16/11

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“Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” What do you do with a word like that?

“Look, the light turned red!” We know what to do with a word like that. You put on the breaks and prepare to stop. “Look, the building is on fire!” You know to file out of the building through either door, the one up front and the entrance door. “Look, your blood pressure is 240 over 160.” You know that it’s time to make sure your last will and testament is in order.

But what about, ‘Behold,” which means, ‘Listen up’ and ‘put the phone down and stop texting while I’m talking to you.’ ‘Close your Facebook page because right now it doesn’t matter if you’re friends know that you’re getting into your car to go get a doughnut because you’re feeling depressed.’ “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”? What are you supposed to do with a word like that?

The very fact that you’re not sure what to do with this word tells you something. And it’s not something good. The fact that this word passed right on by you and you hardly heard it is dangerous. More dangerous that if you didn’t know that the light changed or the building was on fire or your blood pressure was through the roof. Or, maybe you thought that this word wasn’t meant for you. Continue reading

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Epiphany 1 – “Jesus Goes Public” – Matthew 3:13-17 – 1/9/2011

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One of the rituals that marks every new year is the official replacing of the calendar. In our house, we have a wall calendar in the kitchen on which we mark schedules, events, appointments and of course, church activities. The challenge is to get just the right calendar that will provide the appropriate inspiration throughout the year. There’s the dog calendar and the cat calendar. The covered bridge calendar and the lighthouse calendar. The quilt calendar and the Appalachian Trail and the fly-fishing calendar. For the particularly pious and righteous house, the calendar of choice will be one with bible verses for each month or the Concordia Theological Seminary calendar with pictures of the campus where God is truly present. Needless to say, in our house, its either a cat or lighthouse calendar.

Regardless of the type of calendar you choose, we can’t help but notice that it is organized into 12 different months, 52 different weeks and 365 different days. This is the way that we keep track of time and organize our life according to the secular calendar.

But the church keeps track of time and organizes our life much differently. For example, the secular calendar tells us that this is the 2nd Sunday in January. But the Church calendar tells us that this is the 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany.

That’s because the secular calendar is organized according to the earth’s rotation around the sun, s-u-n. Every year tracks one complete rotation around the sun as we move from winter to spring to summer to fall.

The Church’s calendar however is organized according to the Church’s rotation around the Son, S-o-n. Every year tracks one complete rotation around the life of Christ from Advent to Christmas to Epiphany to Lent to Easter to Pentecost. Continue reading

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Sermon – Epiphany – “The Magi Arrive” – Matthew 2:1-12 – 1/6/2011

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Let’s begin by setting the record straight as to just who these visitors from the East where and where not. First, there may have been more or less than three of them. Three is just a guess based on the number of gifts they gave to the Christ child.

Second, we’re never told what their names were, so Melchior, Belshazar and Casper could just as easily have been Curly, Moe and Larry.

Third, they were not kings. The idea that they were ‘kings’ doesn’t appear until the 6th century AD. That explains why you won’t find, “We Three Kings of Orient Are,” in any good Lutheran hymnal. Continue reading

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Sermon – Christmas 2 – “Lost and Found” – Luke 2:40-51 – 1/2/11

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There were three, annual festivals held at the Temple in Jerusalem ever year which all Jewish men were required to attend. They were Pentecost, Tabernacles and Passover. Luke says Joseph and Mary both attended the Passover every year. It’s always nice when families go to church together.

The distance that the holy family had to travel back and forth from Nazareth to Jerusalem was about 65 miles each way, which was a three or four day journey. Families would travel together in caravans. The children would play together along the way, the women would talk about their children and the men would talk about the Patriots, or something like that. There was also safety in numbers. Continue reading

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Sermon – Pentecost 8 – “The Fruit of the Spirit – Faithfulness” – Galatians 5:23 – 7/18/10

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“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and this morning we consider, ‘faithfulness.’

Whenever we talk about faith, we always want to understand that faith is one of those things that cannot stand all alone. “Faith” all by itself, is a meaningless word. Faith must always have an object. It must always be faith in something or someone. To say, “I have faith,” means absolutely nothing. But to say “I have faith in the government,” or “I have faith in my horoscope,” or “I have faith in Jesus Christ,” now that means something. It means that you put your trust and your confidence in the object of your faith.

“Faithfulness” works the same way. “Faithfulness” never stands alone. All by itself, it’s a meaningless word. It must always be “faithfulness according to” something. And that ‘something’ is the promises and commitments we make. The quality of our ‘faithfulness’ depends on how will we keep the promises that we make. ‘Faithfulness’ is a matter of keeping your word. “Faithfulness” and “promises” go hand in hand.

What that means is that the quality of our faithfulness is based on history and past performance. Are you faithful? Will you keep the promises that you make to me? What’s your track record? If I’ve been ‘unfaithful’ in the past, then you have good reason to doubt that I’ll be faithful in the future. But if I’ve kept my word in the past, then you have good reason to believe that I’ll be faithful in the promises that I am making in the present and will make in the future. Continue reading

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Sermon – Pentecost 7 – “The Fruit of the Spirit – Goodness” – Galatians 5:19-23 – 7/11/10

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“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,’ and now this morning we focus our attention on ‘goodness.’

To get an idea of what this “goodness” that the Spirit is out to produce in us is, you have to go all the back to the beginning. In the beginning, when God made the world and everything in it, after each day’s work, God saw what He made and “It was good.” When He was all finished with His work of creation, “God saw all that He had made and it was VERY GOOD.” Every piece and part was GOOD and all of the pieces and parts worked together exactly like they were supposed, including the man and the woman. It was all exactly what God had in mind. Everything conformed exactly to God’s will.

And really, what else would you expect from God? After all, God is GOOD. Over and over again the Scriptures repeat the glad refrain, “Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good…” (Psalm 107:1). There is no evil in Him. So of course, all that He does is GOOD. All that is GOOD comes from God and is according to His GOOD will.

The corollary is just as true. All that is not good, all that is evil, does not come from God. Diseases, murders, injustice, these things are not good and therefore they do not come from God. But God’s goodness is greater than all of that is not good. His goodness overcomes it. God is able to work all things for GOOD to those who love Him. Continue reading

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Sermon – Pentecost 6 – “The Fruit of the Spirit – Kindness” – Galatians 5:19-23 – 7/4/10

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“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, and KINDNESS.”

The word in the original language of the New Testament is “Kreystotais,” The word has to do with being useful, helpful, beneficial. The King James Version translates it as “gentleness.” “Kindness” and “gentleness” are very closely connected to each other.

Last Sunday our focus was on ‘patience.’ Several of you mentioned after the service that you appreciated a sermon on patience because it’s one of those things that we know that we lack and we know we need to work on.

I don’t think that ‘kindness’ is quite like that for us. Oh, occasionally we may be disappointed with ourselves because we were unkind to someone. But for the most part we’re not mean. But how often have we thought about how we might deliberately show ‘kindness,’ not just to someone, but to everyone? How often do we pray that the Lord would help us to show kindness to everyone whom I will come into contact with this day?

I guess what I mean to say is, when it comes to patience, we’re aware when we’re not being patient like we should be. But how many opportunities for us to be kind do we walk right past every day and it simply never registers with us that we did not show kindness when we could have, and should have. It’s not that we were mean. We’re just not kind. Continue reading

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Sermon – Pentecost 5 – “The Fruit of the Spirit – Patience” – Galatians 5:19-23 – 6/27/10

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A father was doing the grocery shopping with his young son who was sitting in the shopping cart. The child was obviously unhappy and was letting his unhappiness be known. The father said, ‘patience Albert,’ patience Albert.’ Finally, all the items on the shopping list were in the cart and the father made his way to the check out line. They were all two or three deep and so they had to wait. Still screaming and crying, the father repeated over and over again, ‘patience Albert, patience Albert.’ A woman who was in line behind the father and son, leaned forward and said, “sir, let me commend you for your patience with baby Albert.” To which the man replied, “oh thank you, but I am Albert.”

“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, and PATIENCE.”

Touching briefly on ground we have already covered, the fruit of the Spirit is singular, not plural. It’s not the ‘fruits of the Spirit’ but one, single, solitary fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is love and all that follows are the facets of love cut by the Spirit, with His chiseling tools of Word and Sacraments. Like a precious diamond, there is a facet of love that is joy and another that is peace and another that is patience. In his famous 13th chapter to the Corinthians, St. Paul reminds us that if love is anything at all, “love is patient.” Continue reading

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