Category Archives: Audio Sermons

Pentecost – Acts 2 – “The Day of Pentecost”

sermon-5-20-18 “When the Day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place.” It may surprise you to learn that the Day of Pentecost has been on the Church’s calendar a lot longer than Easter or Christmas. The Festival … Continue reading

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Easter 7 – “Holy Eavesdropping” – John 17:11-19 – 5/13/18

sermon-5-13-18 A couple of years ago we had new gutters installed on our house because the old gutters weren’t doing the job anymore. They leaked and the water dropped from the eaves right to the ground. Our new gutters have … Continue reading

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Ascension – “Cause For Great Joy” – Luke 24:50-52

5-10-18ascension “Ascension.” The act of ‘going up.’ In his gospel, Luke writes, ‘He was CARRIED UP into heaven.” In his Acts of the Apostle’s he writes, “He was LIFTED UP.” In his gospel, Mark writes that “the Lord Jesus… was … Continue reading

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Easter 5 – “Test The Spirits” – 1 John 4:1-4

sermon-4-29-18 “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.” Anytime you’re reading your bible and you come to words that say, … Continue reading

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Easter 4 – “The Good Shepherd Lays Down His Life For The Sheep” – John 10:11-18

sermon-4-22-18 “I am the good Shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” That’s Jesus who’s talking. He is the “I am.” The same “I am” who spoke to Moses in the burning bush, “I am who … Continue reading

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Easter 3 – “7 Proofs Of His Presence” – Luke 24:36-49

sermon-4-15-18 The shepherd had gone missing for three days. The sheep responded as sheep do when they realize that they’re on their own with no one to lead them, no one to protect them, no one to provide for them. … Continue reading

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Easter – “I Will Sing To The Lord – For He Has Triumphed Gloriously” – Exodus 15:1

sermon-4-1-18 Note: The first minute of this recording is blank. The message for this Easter day is based on the first verse of Exodus, the 15th chapter, which we have already sung twice – once in the Introit and again … Continue reading

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Good Friday – “Crucified For You” – Mark 15:21-41

sermon-goodfriday-2018 I. Jesus Led Out Of The City, Carrying His Own Cross A. Isaac Carries Wood Himself In the 22nd chapter of Genesis, we read that when God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his only, beloved son, Isaac, on Mt. Moriah, … Continue reading

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Maundy Thursday – “Take, Eat. Take, Drink” – Mark 14:22-25

sermon-3-30-18 I. Jesus Offered Wine Mixed With Poison A. The Poison Jesus Refuses In the 69th Psalm, we hear David’s desperate prayer to the Lord at a time when he is in deep trouble. “Save me, O God, for the … Continue reading

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Palm Sunday – “Homage to the King” – Zechariah 9:9 – 3/25/18

sermon-3-25-18 The Magi came from the east in search of a king. “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews?” they asked. They knocking on the door of the royal palace, because where else would you look … Continue reading

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