Category Archives: Sermons – Lutheran – LCMS

Pentecost 9 – “He Had Compassion On Them” – Mark 6:30-34

A very good sermon from Rev. Fischer, oozing with comforting gospel. sermon-7-22-18-fischer

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Pentecost 8 – “Who Are You?” – Ephesians 1:3-14

sermon-7-15-18 In Arthur Miller’s famous play, ‘Death of A Salesman,” Willie Lohman spends his whole adult life searching for status and recognition from others. For Willie, life is all about how many people admire and respect him, the measure of … Continue reading

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Pentecost 7 – “Praying for Thorns” – 2 Corinthians 12:7-10

sermon-7-8-18 After a bit of modest bragging about his exclusive, backstage tour of heaven, Paul writes, “To keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger … Continue reading

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Pentecost 6 – “Helper of the Helpless” – Mark 5:21-43

sermon-7-1-18 He was at his wits end. He and his wife had done everything they knew to do for their daughter. She was only twelve years old, and as soon as it became obvious that there was something wrong, they … Continue reading

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Nativity of John the Baptist – Luke 1:57-80 – 6/24/18

For a church that wants to be nothing else but “Christ centered” and “Cross focused,” it may seem a bit out of place to set aside a day on the church’s calendar to point our finger at one who adamantly … Continue reading

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Pentecost 4 – “Let’s Think About Death” – 2 Corinthians 5:1-9 – 6/17/18

sermon-6-17-18 It may not be the most pleasant and cheery topic to talk about, but today we’re going to talk about death. What are we to think about it? How are we to think about it? And maybe the most … Continue reading

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Pentecost 3 – “Remedy for Divisions” – Mark 3:20-35

This is a very good sermon, delivered by 2nd year seminarian, Grant Sorenson during his recent visit with the congregation. sermon-6-10-18-Sorenson

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Pentecost 2 – “Keep the Sabbath Day Holy” – Mark 2:23-28

sermon-6-3-18 The theme that underlies our Old Testament and Gospel readings today has to do with “the proper observation of the Sabbath.” How do we ‘keep the Sabbath holy’? In our Old Testament reading, Moses preaches to the congregation, telling … Continue reading

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Trinity Sunday – “The Mystery of the Trinity” – Athanasian Creed

sermon-5-27-18 On Trinity Sunday, we recite the Athanasian Creed and say strange things like, ‘the catholic faith is this, that we worship one God, in three persons and three persons in one God, neither confusing the persons nor dividing the … Continue reading

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Pentecost – Acts 2 – “The Day of Pentecost”

sermon-5-20-18 “When the Day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place.” It may surprise you to learn that the Day of Pentecost has been on the Church’s calendar a lot longer than Easter or Christmas. The Festival … Continue reading

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